Wednesday, February 5, 2014

gidon levy -my hero

they are all coming around.  even Gideon Levy!

"If there is one state, then the discourse must change: equal rights for everyone."

(but dear gideon, please remember that citizenship must be earned!)

read carefully

mike wise

p.s. even haaretz is starting to report on the new reality!

from the one stateplan (2003)


It is essential that the process and strategy of offering Israeli citizenship to West Bank Arabs must be very carefully planned, including its timing, demographic, geographic, historical and social factors. Citizenship will include all the benefits currently available to the citizens of Israel including: health care, education, welfare, economic incentives, employment, social safety nets, voting rights and others. The responsibilities of citizenship will include a public oath of loyalty to the State of Israel. The procedures and the details of the citizenship offer will be determined as an internal matter by the State of Israel. Each country determines its own citizenship rules and there are many models ranging from extremes like Switzerland where citizenship is often not granted for several generations, and the extremely restrictive standards set by Islamic States to the more liberal standards applied by other countries. Since the process will be phased in over time, the possibility to adjust the procedures appropriately will be available as circumstances require.

The key element is clear. The question of how to deal with the West Bank population will be converted to an internal Israeli matter and not the subject of global concern of �do-gooders� protecting an �occupied� population. From a humanitarian perspective, social services available to the West Bank population will meet the highest global standards.

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